Posted by on Aug 10, 2021 | 16 comments











BONNE ROUTE, mama and papa!

Well, I’m not, but THEY are going to a town nearby to get papa’s computer fixed (I do NOT like that word!) before it explodes and of course they are leaving me here to fend for myself (heh, heh, little do they know how happy I am to be LEFT TO SNOOZE IN PEACE) but I’m sure I won’t have to cook or anything for myself because mama will surely leave kibble for me in my nice new kitty-shaped bowl.  I have to say, they are pretty snazzy with only one drawback:  mama puts my food bowls with a dish of water underneath them that acts as a moat, which keeps the ants from attacking my food.  Pretty cool, eh?


But when my bowls arrived from Ms Amazon, they had little rubber feet on them and floated, haha, so mama cut them off with a knife and now they sit nicely in their little lake, unmoving.

Otherwise I would have had to chase my food all over that little lake, haha.  Great exercise, but beaucoup stress on my tummy!

And we do NOT want THAT!  It (my ventre) might disappear altogether and then what would you have to RUB?







But boy, are those ants miffed!