Posted by on Nov 15, 2020 | 13 comments







Well, it seems as if lots of  T followers do not watch Fox News.  We watch Fox News to  get other views, and it is really helpful and often enlightening, along with CNN.

It is very surprising that Trump voters do not want to accept facts, since Fox News has had many evenings since the election of speakers who acknowledge the election and electoral votes and wish to move on, speakers who are Republicans!

Mama is concerned about those Trump voters who do not wish to see the facts, even in Republican states’ voting finals, that Biden won.  This is the most lawful election the US has ever seen, according to legal voting analysts, Republican and Democrats.

We kitties simply do not understand politics and why anthros can’t all work together now, as their country faces an even greater spike in virus cases and hospitals are at capacity and risk.  Isn’t dealing with this virus more important than fabrications of a “stolen” presidency?  Really disturbing, to us, at least.

I just hope that hospital workers keep safe and that hospitals find more nurses and doctors to help through the winter.  I wish I could do something.  But I guess we kitties are better at consoling.

So I’ll do that for sure.