Somehow, I think we will need more chairs for 18 people…hmmm.
Cross you fingers, as we haven’t had any showers for the whole month of April, so who invented that April shower thingy? Maybe they are just gathering their water together to arrive soon, but I hope not. Mama and papa have decided to go ahead with an Easter bash, serving salmon instead of the traditional leg of lamb. I think mama’s having trouble even thinking the thought, “leg of little cutie baa-baaing in the fields”…you get my drift.
Papa once was in England watching from a fence as a group of sheep and a little lambikin gambolled over the grass and papa said, “Baa baa” and the little lambikin came over and papa stuck out his hand and the little one started sucking his finger. And you know what (this was long ago, he may have changed his mind by now) papa thought. You could just see the balloon over his head: Num, num, slow-cooked with rosemary and garlic.
Now I ask you, is that so strange if you are a carnivore? Still, it’s a great story and I think sometimes he thinks a bit before getting up a head of steam for lamb because mama has backed off doing her lamb dishes and even steers away (haha, get it) from meat more than she used to. But I think a nice salmon with Easter decorations all over him might be nice. HEY, I got it! I’ll lend him my bunny ears to wear and he’ll feel right at home on the plate.
I can’t for the life of me figure out how I am going to get the ears on this baby when he has no head!
Plus these ears look sort of like a mad butterfly, no?
“Yes, Loulou,” mama says, “but what if you had to put ears on THESE?” She HAS lost her marbles….
Well, Loulou – MY mama and papa also are eating less meat and more fish. Every time papa sees leg of lamb on sale and goes to grab for it, mama lets out a pitiful baaaaaaaah, and he backs off (as he’s drooling).
Happily they didn’t grow up with pet goldfish or I guess you and I would be eating kibbles of kale, paté of puréed peas or some such nonsense. Whew. My lips are zipped.
It’s hard to think about these little critters being butchered and I hate to say this, but rabbit…er….looks like….well….you know who.
I am sure your Mama will make an incredible Easter feast.
Hey, she is already working on little sautéed artichoke bits but then will freeze them and bring them out at the right moment. I, for on, am checking out the smoked salmon plan…
Oh, you had better get some of that salmon, Loulou. They just HAVE to share with you!
They WILL share or I’ll steal their chocolate EGGS!
Maybe you’ll get some fish too, Loulou.
I shall get a bit but not much as it is salty…
Aah ! I love seafood, but have not had the nerve to try sushi because the thought of eating cold raw eel just – dampens my enthusiasm. A nice salmon would be lovely for you and all the anthros – healthy fatty oils and all.
Just hope you don’t get SNOW showers. We had 3 inches of snow yesterday morning,, most of which has now melted and is standing around making mud (if it didn’t seep into my basement.) So be careful what you wish for. Purrs !
NO!! Snow??? Oh, boy. Where is it that you live, once again? I’m sorry I have not kept track, but I love your comments and interesting views on so many things!
Do not apologize – I basically know you are in France which is south of Germany and east of England in Europe. I am in NE Ohio, where we say ” If you don’t like the weather now, just wait five minutes.” Far enough south of Lake Erie to miss “lake effect snow.”
AHH, Ohio, the home of two of my good friends, but they moved to Berkeley and then LA. Love the weather forecast! Sounds like Houston.