Well, it should really be Art Dash as we are posting our Saturday blog very quickly because I need a NAP and mama is making baguettes, whatever they are…
This is Candy effect from Lunapics because if I’m licking all over I wanted something sweet. We think this effect is bon bon, haha.
Happy weekend!
Such pretty art, Loulou!
Lunapics to the rescue, merci!
Lovely art, LouLou!
Mummy is licking her lips at the thought of those homemade baguettes too! She bets they would go well with Camembert cheese and maybe some lovely hot coffee.
Does your Maman feel like sharing the recipe, or is it a Big Secret?
I can send it easily but it is in mama’s book No Need To Knead on Amazon. Happy to send the single recipe tomorrow! She just mixes flour, water, yeast and salt and leaves the dough sticky NOT dry and then turns the risen dough out onto a floured surface and divides the dough into 3 pieces and gently stretces each piece into a long rectangle for each loaf (the dough makes 3 loaves). Then fold over the rectangle on itself and roll it between your hands into a cylinder, pinch the seam closed and lay each in a french baguette pan. There are pictures of all of this on Instagram, too. SuzanneDunaway.
But mama will send the recipe tomorrow.
That’s terrific art Loulou!
Merci, Lunapics again.
I love your art. I bet the baguettes are delicious. XO
Well, mama has a new flour, which made lovely baguettes, yes. Wish they traveled…
LouLou, this is a very striking piece of art !
Perhaps Mama will give you a taste of a fresh baguette – with just a dab of butter…or duck fat. Then you will see what the big deal is !
I like that butter thing…I eat so abstemiously, whatever that means, because of my condition, you know. But I have B12 every morning in a little goat yogurt and LOVE, LOVE it.
WOW! Homemade baguettes – yummmmmm! Now go grab your nap Loulou……that “Candy” effect makes you look wide awake but we all know what you really need is a rest dear girl.
Hugs, Teddy
Yes, we kitties need our beauty sleep…all day long. And boys, too!
we see your mum wuz making naan, dee mum iz lazy an buyz her naan from trader joez an putz burrata, evoo and an olive tapenade on it, wif whine ov corse.
OH, now THAT’S what we need around here. Sounds DELISH!! Especially that last part…
You are as sweet as any candy, Loulou!
Da Boyz are very busy running from window to window, watching exciting Bird TV.
Is Spring just around the corner?
Oh, we hope so. It’s so cold, I only get to watch on the iPad, haha.
You’re good at playing with words!! MOL!
That is a nice art effect…yup, very sweet

Love that Loonypics. What a great discovery, thanks to Ellen!