Posted by on Jun 15, 2020 | 10 comments








(This is not the young man I am writing  about but this guest was interesting, too! A great show, especially now with all the protests going on.)

Well, the other night we were watching Christiane Amanpour and this  incredible French young man JR by name, was a guest.

He is a photo-artist who puts amazing images in wonderful places, such as the sweet baby looking over the wall at Tecate between the USA and Mexico.  And while he installed it, he set a table on the American side and the Mexican side and served Chinese tea for all, even the border guard who came over to see what was going on.

He and the border guard made friends and shared a bowl of tea and chatted and the guard went on his way…

How we wish anthros could be more like this extraordinary young man.

He so wants to change the world for the better with his art, delivering positive messages that might help anthros think more about equality by seeing the incredible images he shows us.

This was another blog that disappeared so if I am repeating myself….

