You know, if some major TV star wishes to blame her racial slur on Ambien, then it only makes the case against her stronger. Love the comment from the drug maker Sanofi, who took to social media to say that “while all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.”
I think today’s blog says all that I feel. Racism is a side effect of IGNORANCE and FEAR.
If we are in any way made more aware of how easily racism creeps into our speech, actions and thought, much the better. Thank you, Rosanne.
But now, this kitty is going out (FINALLY)in some sun and squirm around on the warmed stepping stones.
Now, which one to choose? Decisions, decisions, whatever they are…
Hey Roseanne…don’t throw Ambien under the bus too! Sheesh…humans.
GOOD suggestion.
YESSSSS!!! Bravo for Disney for getting rid of that PERSON AND THAT SHOW!! Mama says she doesn’t know first hand (since she has never seen it), but read that it appeals to a certain base, so with Fox Propaganda, who needs anything more to “normalize” that mindset. It was a bad idea in the first place that happily came to a bad end. Whew, mama grabbed my computer and went on a rant! Sorry Loulou. Gee, I worked up an appetite. Kibble time……
I’m beginning to wonder what ‘normal’ is, Mya. Remember when someone called the police cars in LA black and normals? Boy, what idiots in the world.
I for one gladly await our feline overlords. Well, except I already fed them and adjusted the fans, so maybe “awaiting” is a bit strong.
Feline overlords, I like that.
Humans sure get themselves into a lot of controversary. Don’t they remember their mommas’ advice, “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it?” I wish they could all just get along or get out of the way and let us kitties take over! Purrs.
ME, TOO! Sometimes they are really idiots.
We enjoyed Sanofi’s response, too!
Very sharp, that spokesperson.