Posted by on Nov 4, 2014 | 7 comments


Hey, I’m not sulking or anything, but EIGHT HOURS???

Oh, boy, was I in the car with mama and papa for EIGHT HOURS OR WHAT? I cannot believe what a globetrotter I have become, even though they haven’t really nailed the litter problem yet.  Still, I think of myself as a trooper now that I can DO it.  Until next time…maybe kitties are a bit like camels, haha.

More on that later.

In the nice hotel where they welcomed kitties and doggies (as they do in France, thank heaven), I wandered around and sniffed everything and saw there was a garden outside — ah, hah!  Litter land!! But then I saw that there was a drop of several metres to land and changed my mind.  But I was so, so good in that place and then the ordeal began…into the travel cage, no breakfast, and then almost eight hours on the way to meet relatives in a little lovely town called Montisi but here, I am captive in a room that is very, very nice but no garden (read: litter place) plus a kitty named Nieve who most definitely rules the roost!!! Guess what color she is…duh.

Just let me get back to a permanent place where I can use the facilities in my inimitable way, ON the toilette, and OUT of a kitty box.

Last night, mama grilled steaks for the crowd here, after having waited with the guests for the coals to appear in the wood-burning kitchen grill, a little ordeal in itself, but finally there was a beautiful fire and on went the beef.  After dinner, after dessert, everyone going to clean  up, one of the guests with a great sense of humor said to mama, “ER…your coals are ready…”


So where’s the beef?

Haha.  Mama says everyone has a great sense of humor, which I suppose is a plus when there are eight people, soon to be ten, in a house party!

But two kitties?  Hmmm….and this is HER territory, not mine.

I guess I can get used to it, but when mama finally came to see me in my prison, she didn’t know that I could smell that white kitty and know that mama snuggled her, too.

I’ll get my revenge…just wait.

Meanwhile, I’m going to have to take a blog break for the first time in my writing history, because the internet connection here is somewhere out in space and shows up only when the mood hits it.  But I’ll catch up, I promise you!!!  I miss so much doing my blog because my mind is too close to atrophy and needs STIMULATIION.  Maybe I’ll get together with THAT KITTY…heh, heh.


One guess who this is!