Posted by on Sep 13, 2019 | 15 comments










Hey, i need some help here!

So here’s the thing.  For a couple of nights now mama has been otherwise occupied with papa’s  recovery, taking pics of his wound, following the healing, checking on the progress, and I have felt a bit left out in the cold.

BUT then I realized that of course mama was preoccupied because this is PAPA we’re concerned about and papa is the other half of MAMA so naturally she’d be worried over his situation.

So then I thought, hey, what if I, Loulou, were the other THIRD of a threesome—papa, mama and LOULOU, and then I could be a third concerned about papa getting well and mama and I could work together as one two-thirds healing whammy, which would be even better to get papa up and doing the tango!

Instead of being a bit miffed that I didn’t have help with my blog, I joined the team and told mama that I was ready to double the effort toward papa’s recovery.  Hey, two half-wits make a whole, right?  Haha, just kidding mama, but I wanted you to know that I do NOT come first, papa does, and the THREE of us are going to work together now.

Or…how about you two work really hard on this, okay, and I’ll do the healthy
snoozing that gives us all strength to go on….