Posted by on Oct 26, 2019 | 14 comments







Well, I know they are popular with monkeys, haha, but oh, boy, do we  LOVE our ‘nanas or what?

Mama just gave me a new one for  the trip next week so that I’ll have a “friend” to make me feel  secure in my “apartment” (read: a polite word for travel cage!).  Hah, good luck with that one…







I’m practicing with it to make sure it knows who is boss and who  decides what and when around here…

Mama says I should be nicer to my ‘nana, maybe bathe it a  little, or lend it to visiting kitties and doggies.







A doggy gets hold of my ‘nana and it’s curtains for it!  It’s banana bread, banana pudding, baby food!!!













But do you ever run into a brick wall about what to do next with your ‘nana?








Maybe take up cigars…