Posted by on Sep 27, 2013 | 2 comments

                                                                                                             (I’m plum tuckered out after that show.)

Can you possibly guess where those anthros of mine are hanging out this evening in that weird and wacky town of Austin, Texas?

They are going at sundown to watch the BATS, yes, BATS, who come out at dusk and attack the mosquitoes hanging around the South Congress Bridge (where the bats have made their…whatever they make…nestss? Lairs? Little batty bedrooms?

Well, anyway, that’s where mama and papa went and then, right on time, just after sundown, whoosh, whoosh—the bats swarmed out from under the bridge in great black sheets of flappingness and made a lot of people happy: anthros in kayaks on the river, anthros on the grass lawn beside the river, anthros on tourist boats that take in the bat show every evening from mid-summer to October, BUT while mama and papa were about to have a glass of wine at Threadgill’s just before the bat show, a very savvy Austin dweller told them, “Just stay on top of the bridge toward the first arch, because if you go down on the lawn…uh, oh…those little suckers will poop as they swoop!”

Good advice, no? Mama said that a lady down below on the grass was eating yogurt or ice cream or something and I thought, “Oh, boy, that’s something you really do NOT want to do under bat attack!”

Then mama heard a man talking to her, not entirely clearly, but clear enough for mama to know that he was deaf, and he was selling buttons that he had made to support himself, and he gave out the button on a card that said, “I am deaf and this is how I make my living. Please donate $3 to $5 if you’d like the button (which I thought was pretty cool; he said what he wanted and left it to the buyer to decide if he or she wanted it at all) and so mama bought one and he gave her a big, big hug  and now mama has a great big button that says, “Keep Austin Batty!” Which is exactly what mama intends to do…and papa, too. Which is exactly what they intend to do almost anywhere they live!!

Since I’m a pretty batty cat, I will feel right at home with that button on my collar.

Plus, “bat” rhymes with…guess what?


Three guesses….