Posted by on Jun 23, 2020 | 12 comments







I have to stop lazing around…

Hey, time to step up my pace!!! It seems that my blogs are not publishing on time, even though I say PUBLISH (as in NOW, thank you 18:58), but I will admit that last night we were all so tired that mama conked at midnight and I  published really late!

So are  you getting my blog or have they disappeared into cyberspace?

Whatever that is.

Okay, this one is going out NOW, 7pm French time, which is 10am California time and 12 noon Texas time etc etc etc…..

How time flies. Wait a minute, why does time FLY?  Maybe it would be better on a bicycle or Vespa or maybe just hitching a  ride with a WALKER!

Right now, I have to run because mama left ME with the TIMER for some hard-boiled eggs and we do NOT want those to burn.

(The other day, mama forgot them on  the stove and put the hot pot in the sink and turned on the water and BAMMO—egg on the ceiling, walls, and on mama’s face, haha.


Oops…I put my paw in my mouth with that one!   Sorry, mama.  BUT THE  EGGS ARE READY!!!