Posted by on Oct 5, 2016 | 14 comments


Well, EDITOR, you had better have a GOOD excuse!

Oops, I (with great help from my SOURCE and FACT FINDER) put a link yesterday to Two Devon Cats instead of putting a link to Swiss Cats on the last blog and I apologise!  But both sites are great so maybe readers went to see a site they had never seen by clicking on the mistake.


You just can’t get good help anymore…

Mama edited a local community newsmagazine for ten years once long ago and took it from 4 pages to over 50 (much to the distress of the treasury of the community organization board, haha–just kidding, it all worked out), and there, of course, one has to watch for bloopers, typos, runonsentences, things of that nature, but yesterday was a humdinger.  I just hope the day worked out for everyone and that all were able to contribute something to the bettering of the animal world.

By the way, have you seen all the baby pandas in China who are so cute you just cannot help but want to be there with them rolling around in their panda pen.

But…what you don’t know is that they are all TUXIES disguised in panda suits!!!

Mama has ordered one for me for Halloween.


How do I look?  And it has a ZIPPER!


It was NOT easy getting that suit off…