Posted by on Aug 4, 2024 | 28 comments


Well, we have some disturbance around here. I wear myself out REMINDING mama that she is to transfer my spiritous thoughts to what is called, mama, a BLOG, and she is so busy watching incredibly hefty male anthros throw some kind of heavy dumb ball onto some grass that she FORGETS what has gone on around here for over 12 years!!!!

That ball weighs 16 pounds supposedly. WHO WANTS TO THROW THAT THING?

Could a kitty chase it, bite it, roll it, no way, Jose.

Jeez, Louise. If there were an Olympic event for BOTCHING, guess who’d get the gold?

Okay, here’s a selfie AND my Saturday suggestion for an artistic ME from where I am, and mama, get your ACT together.


By the way, mama, tomorrow is MONDAY! Remember Mondays? Uh…sparks?  GET WITH IT!

This is Lunapic’s Space effect…I think mama should be in a Lunapic called “Spacy”!

Snoozing among the stars…