Posted by on Jul 24, 2014 | 5 comments


Gazpacho and I, waiting for the next course…

Actually, it’s really The Breeze and We here in this little fishing village where, in summer, the soft, silky breezes (when they finally arrive!) waft over our little bodies (well, in my case) just after a lovely cold lunch of sardines


garden tomatoes with olive oil and basil,


sliced sweet onion, and hard boiled eggs with mayonnaise. I get a little sardine and egg, but that’s it. And now that I sit AT TABLE with the anthros, perhaps there will be other little morsels for me.

I do not beg, therefore I get.

Something to remember, even in anthro land.

I don’t remember how this started, but I sat in mama’s chair and papa accused me of wanting to usurp mama’s place, even going so far as to say, “Loulou, I think you cuddle up to me to get mama out of the way so YOU can be queen of the roost”, but that’s not what I’m doing. I just want equality, as everyone else does, and so I now sit in my OWN chair, ready for whatever they wish to toss/throw/politely set down in my way.

But it’s hard to get up after lunch when these little winds are blowing. Your body just goes into nirvana and relaxes and your eyes (well, papa’s) go to half-mast (whatever that is) and you just slump there in summer reverie until mama says, “I think we have to stand up or we’ll be here all afternoon.”

And papa says, “Okay.” And mama says, “Okay, what—stand up or be here all afternoon?”

And papa says “Yeah, one of those.”

And so they keep sitting and dreaming and I sit and dream with them and we dream of how lucky we are to be in summer near the wine-dark sea with tomatoes on the vine and roses blooming and the lavender smelling good and…

and the doggy next door, Sarah, behind our fence!!!


HAH!  Loulou just THINKS I’m behind a fence…heh,heh