Posted by on May 1, 2019 | 16 comments






Well, I have to say that what mama did to a bathroom window from which a kitty might plunge to the neighbor’s terrace below was certainly an improvement over the feather-ridden, pigeon-pooped-on screen that used to be there!

You see, when THEY found this place, the window had only ancient cross bars with big holes to fall through, so mama put up a wire thingy to keep me from exploring the openings, and after a few years it could only be called, in Italian, schifoso, which means disgusting, haha.  Great word, no?

All thanks to myriad visits from loud dumb cooing pigeons who insisted on perching on the ledge and peering in the window to TAUNT me, whatever that means…












So now I have this nice view out the window and can even climb up on the windowsill and ka ka ka raspberries at those insufferably DUMB birdies, HAH!

But mama is weird this way—she loves bricolage, which is French for puttering around the house and fixing odds and ends that she has been meaning to fix but may not have gotten around to until it’s too late and a pigeon flies into our house and creates HAVOC FOR ME!  Not to mention mama who was chased by a rooster when she was young and is still a bit wary of large birdies.

Papa loves that mama does this puttering, leaving him to be our Tech expert, Daily Life Organizer, and Golden Palate, and gladly offering his taste buds at the first whiff of anything sautéing in olive oil!

Well, says mama, it was a productively putter day.

Below is the grillage in the bathroom for your and my viewing pleasure. Those pigeon are in for a BIG surprise!

Mama left wires that stick OUT just where those birdies used to land, ha ha ha.