Oh, boy, was I tickled to see this in the business section of my favorite newspaper. It seems that a little 8-year-old girl was so moved by seeing children overworked in Nepal, holding hands for moral support (as they carried huge rocks down a hillside for their demanding bosses) that she started selling lemonade to the public, vowing to make 100,000 dollars in a year to send to the children’s support fund against child labor.
The name of her business: Make a Stand! Brilliant.
Well, I thought, what an amazing kid!!! Would that more kids would have ideas like this and actually carry them out. This kitty knows that her daddy helped her, but the idea was hers alone and after 175 days, she had hit her mark!!! And I’m all for help from papa or anyone else who encourages kids like this to go for it! On the website there is a phrase—The ones who are crazy enough to change the world are the ones who do.
This kitty wants to send congratulations and admiration and esteem to Vivienne Harr, young entrepreneur and business Kid of the Year, in my book.
I think kitties could start programs like this if they just put their little minds to it. After all, Blog for Peace was one of those kitty ideas on Catblogosphere where one can find really good ideas from cat bloggers.
Then again, there are those (one of mama’s friends, for example) who think cat blogging is right up there with collecting pet rocks. But, for mama, some types of texting and tweeting are right up there with keeping a diary on your toothbrushing habits…does anyone really care?
So everyone has his own view, and that’s good. Just don’t let your tweeting get in the way of someday Making a Stand…Vivienne twitters, after all.
This kitty has decided on her Stand.
Sleep for peace.