Posted by on Apr 15, 2023 | 20 comments

MERCI for my Happy Sox, Loulou!

Yes, well, papa, I only gave them to you for a chin rub, haha. Just kidding….

Papa actually needed socks, which is rarely the case with anthros, right?

He gave his old socks to a group of kindergarten kids who cut them downwards in rings and stretch them over a frame to weave things…don’t ask.

Mama has never seen the woven products, but our little village has a lovely communal garden and the kids with their teacher visit the garden and do crafts and plant seedlings, etc.

Keeps them busy for a good hour, haha.

But enough of that, let’s get to the CAKE. I actually did not get anything except a taste of it the size of a PIN HEAD. C’est la vie…but papa was happy.

Chocolate soufflé cake for Don’s birthday. Uh, oh, someone has already plunged in!

Maybe that’s why papa has green fingers…

(Lunapic Fantasy)