Posted by on Oct 21, 2015 | 2 comments


Well, mama is really pleased at the pay equity law passed by Jerry Brown in California. Although California already has equal pay laws for men and women, the law pushes the decision a bit further to require equal pay for “similar work” done by women.

Bosses cannot require their workers to refrain from comparing salaries, and of course it will happen—it’s human nature to know what the other anthro is making, especially if you are a female anthro who is not making the same pay as a male when you are doing “substantially similar” work.

Many may not agree with some of his principles, but this kitty thinks “Well, at least he has some!”

Which is more than I can say about some radical politicos.


And since I am a female and I do a lot of work around here, I am particularly glad to be able to receive as much kibble as the JR next door, Sara. Come to think of it, she’s female, too. But from watching her run around like a crazed weasel all the time, I think she gets more than I think…


Maybe I’ll just stop giving mama her bath each day. She’ll sit up and take notice, you can bet your boots!


Hey, you don’t miss your water ’til your well runs dry…