Posted by on Mar 8, 2020 | 22 comments








Well, Ms McNeil inspired mama and me to talk about a few of the foods that bring calm and serenity to us when chaos appears to be the latest trend!

Like chocolate and scotch, mama says, haha…

How about that crispy fried chicken that Mary mentioned, and of course the creamy gravy that appears after the fat is poured off and milk is added…num num.

Mama and papa go for pasta, any pasta, with tomato sauce, with pesto, with bacon and egg and parmigiana,  with only olive oil, a little hot pepper and maybe a squeeze of  one of these gazillion lemons we now have!  Pasta is basta.

Speaking of which, mama was chatting in our street with a neighbor who said that she slices fresh lemons, freezes them,  and pulls out a slice when needed for cocktails or morning lemon water or whatever uses slices.

Brilliant, since we are searching for what to do with a plethora, whatever that is, of citrons.










I have to add kibble to my wish list, okay, and Party Time treats (no parties around here right now!) and oh, little bits of cheese such as cheddar or Jack.  Wonder who Jack  was?

What are your comfort foods?

Oh, and the little wooden stick that USED TO HAVE A MAGNUM ON IT, thank you, papa!  At least I get one teeneinsy lick.  That’s not a word, but what the heck.

Hey, for one far-out doggy, it’s cherry tomatoes!

Have to stop…I’m drooling into my keyboard.