Posted by on Jun 12, 2017 | 12 comments


Here I am being THIN. Or trying to be…

Well, they say you can’t be too rich or too thin (I like that part, haha, it’ll never happen to me), but you can be TOO NICE!  This darling doggy was just too sweet to be trained to find criminals and such, unlike his long line of brilliant criminal-finding family, and so wound up being even more loved in another capacity.

Mya sent me this sweet story and boy, are we looking for sweet stories lately, no?

It’s sort of like Mya herself…she just wiggles and wiggles all over the place when we meet and looks suspiciously as if she wants to KISS me right on the nose, but so far, I have managed to avoid her advances.  Still, mama is all over her when she visits and goes bananas for her wiggly wiles!  I’ve tried to wiggle like that but have, alas, failed.

Still, doggies like Gavel are wonderful for this wacko world and I hope to meet more of them.  Merci, Mya, for the lovely story.


BUT WHO THE HECK IS THIS ONE, MAMA?  You have got to stop sending these “cute” doggies for MY BLOG! Gavel, I understand, but this weirdo?

He clearly WANTS something and is a pest for that reason.  And you say his name is Ettore?  As in the movie director, Scola?  Fat chance.


I would like to bring your attention to this website, as the creator is so very fond of kitties and has some really nice things to say about them and great information about them.  I also did an interview for them and I think it might be on their site but don’t know exactly when.  All I know is that I like their love of kitties and philosophy about what they are trying to do.  I don’t do this often but I really like what they say, below:

site name: Cats Galore

This is from Fae, one of the founders:

We’re a bunch of cat lovers, and we thought about opening Cats Galore to give fellow cat enthusiasts a one-stop shop for all their cat necessities.We started with cat accessories, grooming stuff, pet training tips, and now we’re also into cat shirt fashion. But what we want everyone to know is that we’re here to support cat lovers and their cats-as the world becomes a way better place with cats around. 🙂