Posted by on Jul 10, 2015 | 2 comments


I’m thinking of writing my memoires, but they haven’t popped up yet! Probably just writer’s block…

Well, mama’s friend, Cathy, has written a book, cataloguing her life with her partner and kitties and ducks and others in Missouri and she wants mama to draw some pics of her kitties for the book and I have to say they are pretty funny and wonderful kitties. Especially THIS one:


Fanny, who, to me, looks as if she was in mama’s studio messin’ with the India ink!

And then there is Scribbles and she’s pretty cute:


But the nice thing is they love each other and were best friends:


So I think mama has some good shots to draw from and I’ll let you know when the book comes out because there will be a lot of cat stuff and really nice writing about living on a farm and all the wonders of a place called Breakfast Creek.

Isn’t that a good name?  Makes you want to take your café crème and croissant right down by that creek and have your petit dejeuner!

Hey, maybe they’ll let me visit one day.  Well, I’ve never been on those things that fly and I’m not sure I want to be.

But my teleportation skills are still intact and I can imagine just what it looks like there with all those kitties running around (there are more, evidently) so I’ll just think about those two and be glad they are such good company.

I’m better company now that….well…you know. If only mama hadn’t gone and covered up that little steak she got out for dinner….damn.