Posted by on May 25, 2015 | 6 comments


Quel horreur!

Well, I know I scared the bejesus out of mama this morning when (both of them sleeping like angels, haha) I suddenly leapt straight up in the air from mama’s nice warm between-the-knees-place where I sleep and jumped about 15 feet out of the bed an onto the rug and just sat there staring at those I had awakened!

What on earth was I dreaming about? What on earth do kitties like me dream about anyway, mama is always asking. But this is the third time since I have lived here that I have clearly had a nightmare and something I was dreaming really scared me to death.

Maybe a pit bull? Dreams of doggy attacks or even worse, grandchildren attacks?

Just don’t know but when mama woke up and said, “Oh, Loulou, come over here, you poor thing, you had a little cauchemare and I will snuggle you back to sleep,” I felt a lot better. The funny thing is that papa woke up too at the same time and said, “I had a nightmare, too, Loulou” and mama said, “Oh, I’m so sorry; what was yours about?”

And papa said, “I dreamed I was back in LA in show business!”

Well, we all understood that one…

Mine was way less scary.


Papa and I have a lot in common…but we’re safe now!

PS: here are a couple of friends, Fanny and Sister Age Pooh, who I am sure do NOT have nightmares.


Ah, the sleep of the innocents…