Posted by on Sep 26, 2015 | 4 comments


I love that little one…maybe I could ride on him.  The buttari in their glory…

Well, something really magical happens in Tuscany at this time of year—the transumanza, which is an ancient tradition of moving cattle from their previous eating grounds to a warmer place for the winter where they can graze. And mama, being from Texas, is still a bit nostalgic for the cowboy culture, which has given way in so many places to modern cattle raising–cell phone communications and use of SUVs instead of horses to herd the cattle.

And now, the moving of the cattle is done by not only the remaining cowboys but lawyers, doctors, business people and such, sort of the same group you see nowadays on Harley Davidsons on Sunday, haha, instead of Hells Angels.

Take a look, if you have time, at this website for the transumanza, because it is very touching. I would get out there with those guys if I could and herd those horned wonders, but I think in this case, size really does matter…


This very moving activity (no pun intended, whatever that is) is “to maintain an essential link to the land, to the rhythm of the changing seasons and to the ancient Italian past.”

And mama is for anything that helps to hold traditions close to the hearts and spirits of anyone in any country.  Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Ramadan, cattle moving, all of these and so many more strengthen the fabric of any society.  Not too sure about Pamplona but…

I, for example, celebrate My Arrival every July at what I think of as a more civilized and satisfactory life with anthros.  And if I could only hang onto one of those incredible horns and experience the migration, I would be in seventh heaven, whatever that is.

I think it’s already where I am.


Well, I have my jeans–now I need my boots and hat!


Hey, no sooner said than done, and so ME!