Posted by on Mar 7, 2023 | 20 comments

Delicious high fiber cookies for dunking or crunching…

Well, I am not going to let mama put LONG recipes in my Tuesday Toque, but this one is so crunchy and tasty and good for getting into shape for spring that I let her do it. ONLY ONE, mama. All the rest have to be short and sweet (or savory).

Cereal Killer

This house is an all-bran house.  No Corn Flakes, just the straight stuff for high fiber mornings and more than realistic roughage, haha.  Hey, let’s call a spade a spade.  Everyone skirts around the subject, right.  One used to take a walk each morn for one’s “constitution”, or one day, the addition to breakfast of a nice little bowl of prunes promised to do wonders for one’s…er…constitution.

            I don’t mind talking about these things.  Foods with high fiber are still foods, right, and many, many fruits and vegetables contain enormous amounts of fiber, often more than all those cereals that post their percentages on the box.

            Well, we need about 30 g of fiber per day, soluble and non-soluble. Soluble helps lower cholesterol and blood glucose while non-soluble fiber just slips through the body a little like a roto-rooter, making it easier for the system to get rid of debris. Think of it as WD-40 for the bod.

            Artichokes are notorious for high fiber, along with split peas, lentils, raspberries, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, blackberries, avocados, and oatmeal.  A very old friend, a nurse, told me that oatmeal cleans out your arteries like no other food and that if I ate oatmeal every day, I would never have heart disease. I happen to love oatmeal and when in Scotland years ago, discovered oat cakes, which have to be one of the best cookies around for a nutritious and efficacious breakfast.

            I experimented with oatcakes in my kitchen and came up with one that you can count on to bring fiber with flavor into your life. Another sage cook convinced me that duck fat was far better for me than butter and so I added a teaspoon of it to my oatcake mixture, along  with olive oil, to make a short, crisp breakfast cookie that you can crunch or dunk, depending on what your mother taught you. Fortunately, my grandfather stepped in just in time to show me the fine art of dunking, using as examples those cake doughnuts covered with powdered sugar that you can’t find any longer, and I never looked back.

            The dough can be a bit sticky, so moisten your hands before pressing it onto the bake sheet. This is not a cookie dough, but only a compilation of pure, healthy fibers and nuts that will keep you away from sugar-laced breakfast cereals; even various mueslis have more calories and sugar than these little cakes.  And you can use honey or maple syrup in the dough in place of sugar, or no sweetener at all. You can dot sugarless cookies with fresh cut peaches or pears or whatever seasonal fruits are available in place of jams or jellies.

Suzanne’s Oatcakes:

(24 cookies, depending on how you cut them)

Heat the oven to 175C or 350F

3 cups toasted or raw oats, or mixed oats, spelt flakes and bran

1/2 cup raisins

3 tablespoons flour of any kind

Pinch of salt

Pinch of cinnamon

1/2  teaspoon baking powder

¼ teaspoon of baking soda

3/4 cup almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts or nuts you like, maybe not peanuts, haha

2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup or brown sugar

2 tablespoons melted butter (or duck or goose fat – duck fat has less cholesterol than butter)

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 cup Greek yogurt

Heat the oven to 350F/185C.

In the bowl of a food processor, grind all of the ingredients to make a thick dough. If it is too dry, add a spoon more yogurt or orange juice.

On an oiled baking pan (wet your hands so they won’t stick) press the dough into a flat, thin cake to the edges of the pan.

Bake for 20 minutes until light brown, then turn off the oven and let the cookie dough crisp for another 10 minutes or so. Then remove the pan and let it cool a few minutes.

With a sharp knife, cut the baked dough into squares or simpiy break off portion-sized pieces and store in a tight container.

Note: If this sort of roughage is not appealing to you, make a nice bowl of guacamole and kick back with a mojito. Lots of fiber in rum!

Mama, that was a good breakfast…