Posted by on May 4, 2023 | 28 comments


Oh, boy, is this a story. You and papa did WHAT?

Mama and papa were in a taxi with some very poignant items, three little silver chickens that have glass salt holders, one of which mama has had since 1963 and the two others since 1975 when papa gave her TWO more of the family for mama’s and papa’s first anniversary together (!) and so they were in a taxi going to the man who re-silvers things and they jumped out of the taxi in a hurry because there was a car behind them and left the chickies IN the taxi and then realized it and panicked and papa ran after the taxi but it was long gone and then they called the central taxi people to report it and FOUND the driver far away but the driver, a sweet and thoughtful man, came back to where they were and brought the chickies and took mama and papa home where they collapsed!!!!

So are we thankful? YES, YES, YES, we/they are so, so thankful for a competent central lost and found taxi company and for the kind driver and for the eventual lovely morning at the campo de’ fiori open market where papa bought lovey tulips for mama the colors of the Roma soccer team and everything turned out well…the tulips were the color of the Roma team, not mama.

So everything turned out well, no?

Whew…without me there, they are bound to do weird things.

I wonder what’s next, haha?