Posted by on Apr 11, 2018 | 13 comments


Mama’s been telling me a lot of nice things about Barbara and Dan who are coming to visit.  I can’t wait.

Well, so mama and papa are supposed to go to Barcelona (their soccer team was WHACKED BY THE ROMA LAST NIGHT–just had to mention that again, heh, heh) to meet Barbara and Dan, the Music Man, and guess what?  The train workers are on STRIKE because the president of France wants to adjust their salaries (more than many other workers), age of retirement (50!), and perks and boy are they ticked off.

HOWEVER, their special treatment dates from when trains were run on COAL and yes, it was dirty, difficult, and the laborers certainly had much more work to do than some others if they wanted to have the trains run on time all over the country, but hey, folks, the trains are run now electronically.  No more shovelling coal, but the dissention is still there.


Trains kissing as they hook up to run together.  Well, mama thinks they’re kissing…

Personally, I do not take trains although I think I might like to.  Even if my ears stop up in tunnels, which happens to mama.  But mama says a train is one of the wonders of travel–sliding along with someone else driving, beautiful scenery going by like a movie, and a nice picnic lunch to have right at your seat (hmmm, do they serve kibble?).  On the train to Paris, mama says, a person comes by and takes an order for lunch and then brings it to your seat, with wine or beer or whatever you like!

I think I would order a milkshake.


You think the train people will let me lick THEIR spoons?  I’m staying home!