Posted by on Oct 19, 2017 | 17 comments


YAY YAY YAY!!!  Good news!  Or, in my case, good mews.

Well, not exactly clean air, but our beloved sis-in-law and her Dan are back in their own apartment, smoky but clearing, as I hope the whole area might be before long.  But it is going to take lots of time to get over the terrible fires in Nape and Sonoma counties.  Still, they are back and did not lose their home, as so many did.  Thank all of you for your concern about my auntie and uncle.  All I can think about is the poor animals who suffered also, and I hope they are back with their families.

I don’t know how we can complain about smoggy Roma (and it’s smoggy!) when half of California is under a layer of grey.

Einstein (whoever that is) said that comparison is the work of small minds, and I cite that anthro often, just to remind myself that each of us has beautiful things in our lives along with the painful moments, and that the fires are lessening in parts is such good news.  An effective fire line around the city of Sonoma was what kept that lovely little town safe, so hats off to the firefighters and so many women and men who have been working for weeks now to contain the flames.

To celebrate, I decided to use all of my thankful positive energy to demonstrate an extemporaneous attack on papa’s jeans.



I find that Jean Attack is the best way to use this incredibly formidable energy that I sometimes have before dining.


Did I give those jean what-for or WHAT?


That demo was for YOU TWO, auntie and uncle.  I AM SO, SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!

And now, you two, get some much-needed rest, okay?
