Posted by on Jun 11, 2017 | 8 comments


DO NOT GIVE ME POLITICAL NEWS UNTIL IT’S OVER!!! I’m too stressed as it is by the weather changing.

Well, headlines are full of many surprises in political spheres and I’m not going there…aren’t you relieved, haha?

I just wish to thank everyone for their concern about my new distant friend, Bolt, and assure you that he will find a safe home after his vacation at the turtle reserve.  What I fear is that he may not wish to return to a life without other friends, but maybe they will have two so he’ll have company.

It is so HOT in Rome, mama says, so I guess it’s an early summer, because here it’s not hot at all and all those tourists who come to be by the sea may find themselves in hot water…er…I mean COLD.

It’s funny this weather thing.  You can’t plan on a nice sun puddle without suddenly having to hide under the nearest bed while the mama turtle beats her drums!


I think that curiosity thing about kitties is probably true, but I tend to like ‘same’…same garden, same bed, same kibble, same snuggles, same same.

How about you?  Mama says that as one gets…er…less young, one HAS to be more adaptable and ready for change and adjust to whatever might come up and in this way, one stays bright and alert and young.  Young-er, that is.  A lot of anthros start tightening down, I have observed, as they age, and wish to control everything (and sometimes, everybody!) but if you practice being loose as a goose (whatever that means), you’ll probably achieve Not-Care-Nervana, as mama calls it.

Hey, it’s summer. Almost.  Kick back, and don’t worry if there isn’t enough lime in your margarita or enough salt on the rim.

What are margaritas?  I thought mojitos were the happening thing!  Maybe I should have my kitty sitter spike my Cat Milk….

Happy summer—only 13 more days until we head toward winter. ARGGGGG. Sorry I said that.


This bird bath needs a shot of SOMETHING!