Posted by on Aug 10, 2015 | 2 comments


The courageous crew of the Fiorillo with rescued migrants

Let’s hear it for the Italians, once again!!! And the Irish and others. Five men have been charged with illegal trafficking of human beings and the deaths of over 200 people when their fishing boat capsized. Many died because their captors locked them in the hold of the ship.

The Italian Coast Guard ship, Fiorillo, along with an Irish naval vessel, The Niamh, and the Dignity 1 rescued 381 people who were on the fishing boat.

The number of people on a 20-meter-long fishing boat that sank of the coast of Libya was estimated at 650 migrants.

How can these poor, poor people survive these horrendous sea voyages after having been mistreated, beaten, and sometimes thrown overboard by their captors?

But how wonderful that the Italian Coast Guard is making courageous attempts to curb this terrible human trafficking and how glad this kitty is that these less than human criminals were apprehended.

And how brave of the father who saved his one-year-old daughter from drowning and his wife, who could not swim and so was given the only life jacket thrown to them as the struggled in the sea.

Bravi, brave men and women and Doctors Without Borders who helped with this endeavor.


Thanks from me and mama and papa to all of you brave people!