Posted by on Nov 3, 2019 | 21 comments








I’m not  moving.

Well, instead of being a couch potato, I chose another word because being compared to a potato was not my favorite compliment from ANYONE (not that  I’m NOT one at times, but still…)










A couchatater is a discerning kitty who truly understands a couch, inside and out, who grasps the deep meaning  of having the proper couch upon which to loll,  the cerebral joy of finding oneself relaxed and inert upon one’s favorite spot, bonding with the couch in question much the way anthros bond with a dear friend.








A couchatater is subtly wise and chooses a spot on the couch carefully, after much consideration and weighing of all the pros and cons.







(Maybe cons is the key word here.)

But at  long last, after great consideration of all the possibilities at hand, the  couchatater finds peace and contentment at last.








I supposed I could have called myself a sofatater instead…