Posted by on Sep 29, 2021 | 24 comments










Do you think this might make them think twice about leaving, haha.

Well, THEY go tomorrow morn (at crow fart, as they used to say in Texas but I, being a well-bred kitty, don’t ever say that even if is pretty accurate, haha) and my Sue-rogate mama arrives soon after so maybe the transition won’t be too bad.

It is mama and papa who’ll suffer, believe you me.  Well, who else would you believe, right?

We are all going to have to adjust, but mama calls me on the phone (yes, she does, you don’t have to tell anyone – they’ll think she’s nuts) and talks to me and I THINK I know what’s happening but no one has ever been sure.

Little do THEY know that I am feigning joy and happiness at hearing mama’s voice and am actually eyeing my dish full of paté de fois gras.

In my dreams.

But my Kitty Whisperer IS fairly indulgent and I’m bound to have some surprises and certainly a few little treats for my impeccable nighttime behavior.  Why am I going on about this.  I am really sad.

Hey, it’s not for very long, right?  Still, I am sad.









But not half as sad as THEY are…sigh.