I know you think I look really silly, lounging here in this pseudo-Venetian (whatever that is) kitty mask, but I’m just trying things out for the big 31st!!!
Every time mama tries to put something on me (or OVER on me, more like it), I feel like a fool and ever since that long-ago incident with the little pink suit the vet tried to get her to dress me in to protect me from MYSELF (imagine!), I’ve disappeared faster than a gnat can swim a dipper when I see that Halloween look in her eye.
But, just to humor her, I’m trying on various disguises because I know it makes her feel better and I like to humor the anthros when I can. Here are a few ideas I have for Halloween, but I’m NOT PROMISING ANYTHING, so don’t get all excited about seeing me in ANY of these, okay?
No way, Jose…
Are you out of your mind?
Hey, which witch is which, haha–this guy looks stoned….
By the way, mama got that thing papa had but she’s all well now and still talking to me on the phone, even if I made her wait last time until I had taken a full bath.
Serves them right, right? And a lady has to have her proper toilette…
Normally I give mama one, too, but c’est la vie—her loss.
Yeah, yeah, I hear the phone. I’ll pick it up in a minute….
I feel this is the REAL me anyway…
I do feel sorry for the puss dressed up as a snail, really, the loss of dignity is almost palpable. I agree with Jan and the FFs, the witch is the least dodgy and yeah, that tuxie does look like he observes 4:20.
But Loulou, you know that if you give those humans an inch, they will take a yard. So once the costume is chosen and purchased, just be that gnat swimming the dipper again!
Yours in devilment
Mungo xx
On Halloween, they’ll NEVER FIND ME!!!! You’ll see.
The witch, definitely the witch. Your eyes are so big and scary there. 🙂
Hey, that wasn’t I!!! That was some dude off the internet in that witch thing. But he was sort of cute, so maybe I’ll go for that one.