Posted by on Aug 30, 2019 | 10 comments








HEY, mama, what do you THINK I’m doing?

Well, I have a new hang-out place in the garden and mama is giving me that Loulou-where-on-earth-have-you-been look, and HAHA, it is ON EARTH, MAMA, HAHA!

Mama’s wild asparagus bed is a perfect place to roll around and stretch and get myself COVERED in lovely, fine dirt and then just lie there and enjoy the cool terre of the patch.

BUT, this afternoon, as I was minding my own business (read: snoozing on mama’s and papa’s bed), mama started to snuggle me and stroke my back and suddenly exclaimed, “LOULOU, what have you got all over you?”

Hey, any nouou knows what DIRT is, right?  And it was all over me, right?  So  why (on earth) did mama have to  ASK?

But hey, mama, rolling around in the asparagus bed is a lot less expensive  than insisting on buying one of those three-story-carpeted-climbing-gadgets, right?

Plus, I don’t climb so well lately, alas.

I think it’s really healthy, mama for me to get down and dirty, haha.












Hey, mama, come roll around WITH me!  You’re gonna LOVE this place!