(I coulda been a contendah..)
Oh, boy, now this I like! The Swedish people are trying to establish that couples should share the work of the house and children equally, and that it should not be a given that the female anthro is needed more than the male anthro, the mama over the papa. I think this is hunky dory, especially since male anthros are just as capable of dealing with house and kids as females, and sometime, even better.
I am, fortunately or unfortunately, a single kitty, and so have never had the experience of dealing with kittens and feeding and washing them and making sure they behave with one another and don’t stumble into dangerous places unknowingly and purr them to sleep at night, but I am sure I would have welcomed help from my mate at any time and I am sure that a mate I would have chosen would have been one who wanted to pitch in and do his share and it is most likely that I would have been out hunting for food, too, and not just lolling around on couches eating tasty treats all day long. Times have changed. And if both anthros are working hard to keep the family in kibble and collars and malt paste, then both have to share at home, too.
Good for the Swedes. The male anthros seem to like the arrangement because it gives them a new kind of feeling for their little anthros—a new kind of bonding that they would not have had as an old-fashioned head of household.
Mama and papa share all the chores, except I’ve never seen papa iron…not yet.
Maybe it’s best just to leave some things alone…He’s really good at spaghetti alla carbonara, after all! (Mama says it’s much better than hers.)
And salads. You need a wise man for the salt, a miser for the vinegar, a spendthrift with the olive oil and a pazzo to toss it. Well, he certainly fits all of those.
Except miser…to me, papa is the most generous anthro on earth.