Posted by on Jan 31, 2020 | 16 comments








Well, I had my share of fun yesterday, as you might surmise from my comments about the doggies at  the vet…

And I will amend my rantings about having to get my yearly check-up by showing that docteur (docteurse ?) Benhamdine is never to be feared (or clawed,  haha).

She starts by checking my limbs to  see if they are functioning properly or if there might be a little arthritis starting up…



















I feel as if I’m being handled to see I can do the tango  or something…

UH,  OH, she’s rubbing a part of me with a cotton swab, uh, oh…



















THERE IT IS!!!  I feel a bit needled about this, haha.  BUT…it didn’t  hurt a  bit.

But I think the worst is to  come…










THE DREADED SCALE!!! 6.8 kilos….oh boy, am in deep whatever.

Diet kibble, here I come, not to mention no more little treats every evening.  I knew this was all  too easy to be true.  MINCE!

Which is a less bad word in French for…well…merde.

I don’t like to cuss, but really, folks, another DIET?










At least someone knows  how to make me feel better….