Posted by on Mar 14, 2024 | 17 comments

Oh, so thankful today for this in New York!

Okay, okay today I am on a doggy roll and so thankful for those strange fabulous best friends that anthros dote on so much. I must admit I loved Mya, remember her? She was a big part of my life and we still chat often, and perhaps we’ll both would visit these doggy cafes! At least they can’t chase me now in my present spirit form but I think being with Mya will get me in easily…

I am thankful today for all of you who are so kind and generous with your sweet words for mama’s and papa’s sadness. They are less teary little by little and of course we still talk together and decide on our future as I send messages from my beloved garden. I’m thankful that I can help the spring flowers and vegetables grow and still watch those silly birdies squabbling over their bird balls, haha.

I think when mama stops talking to her little black flower pot, thinking it is me, we’ll all be in a good place. I know I am.