Posted by on Feb 19, 2014 | 3 comments


Oh, if I only had a snowboard…

I am loving these Olympics, but how do those snowboarders survive, for heaven’s sake.  And the race they had yesterday made me cover my eyes several times–they come so close to one another and they are really hauling donkey, if you ask me.

Now the skaters, women’s single short show was really beautiful, but when they fall, I just practically fall with them, right off the couch.  Still, to get out there and do that takes real courage!

I’m sorry this is a short blog, but I’m waiting for Julia Lipnitskaia right on the tips of my patty paws because she is a phenomenon that only comes around every few years.

So I’m skatin’ right out of here and I’ll be back tomorrow with more news from the mews…


Ciao and meow for now!