Posted by on May 4, 2014 | 2 comments


“Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams die, life is but a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.” Navajo saying

Our neighbor, mama’s guru and good friend, has just come back from a class with Robert Moss, a man who loves to dream and takes it very seriously. His many books are inspiration for everyone who has dreamed or wishes to know more about dreaming, either awake or asleep.

But I heard our neighbor tell mama and papa about something Mr. Moss suggested the class do—just go out into your ordinary day and try to observe and feel the synchronicity that resides there in everything you see and feel. Find the things that speak to you that day—the air, the sky, a garden, a child playing with another child, a dog barking, whatever it is that might relate to the self that day and that might be connected with something you are working on in your life, something you are puzzled about, something you are dreaming about and may not even know it. In short, said mama at this point, it’s sort of like life as the I Ching. Any page you turn to may have an answer for your searchings, your questions, any moment in a day might be a synchronistic moment that hooks up with other moments you remember or simply might be a moment that you were searching for.

Here is a perfect example: mama wanted a kitty so, so badly, and she was thinking about it for days and days and putting out vibes, as you anthros say, and then she thought, well, a little dish of food might just…hmmmm…and she believed that if she thought about it every day, something might happen and voilá—there I was!!!

Perfect synchronisity, called LOULOU.

So you see, the I Ching of life really does function.

And that wonderful time between sleeping and waking is another “dreaming” time that is very important to your life, to your health, to your heart. Mama must have thought me up during one of those moments…

Me, I semi-wake up before everyone and I sort of float my night’s dreams in front of me and check them out and see just what the day has in store and what I felt when I awakened and I make note of that, and then I walk over the anthros to let them know I have finished my dreamtime.

Then they semi-wake up and have theirs, so you see, I help them out.


Dreaming kitty dreams…not quite asleep, not quite awake.