Posted by on Sep 7, 2016 | 15 comments


I just did! Wake up from a vivid dream, that is…

Well, do you ever wake up some mornings after a really vivid dream and wonder from what depths of your amazing deep being these images come?  Well, I do that.  Of course, I dream quite a bit for my size, but mama sees me twitch and my paws cross and uncross and she knows full well that I am having an out of body experience that entails, most likely, the tomcats around the neighbourhood, the merles in mama’s lemon tree or Sarah, the JR next door who seems to have much more bark than bite.

Mama dreamed last night that she was about to sing in a honky tonk with a guitarist and another singer (a good one!) present (the singer was about to sing My Funny Valentine) and mama was going to sing, That Old Black Magic, and something happened (naturally, it’s a dream), and too many people showed up and there was interference by someone and she woke up.  So what else is new?  Mama’s dream is to be Michele Pfeiffer in that movie in which she played a torch singer and wore red and sat on top of the piano…oh, yeah?


(PS This is not mama, in case you were wondering, haha.)

I hope mama could get up there, with her funny knee and all.

Uh, oh, she is shushing me with “LOULOU, I can dream, can’t I?  Don’t be so literal!”

Still, she does have a bad knee.

And what about the shoulder…

Now I could get up there easily and myowl a few notes, that’s for sure.  Uh, oh, mama’s comin’ after me with a Loulou look!


That old black magic has me in its spell, la la la…



Oh, have I mentioned that we have The Loulou Song almost ready for utube and I think you are going to like its simplicity but you won’t be able to get it off your mind all day long, I think, or at least WE think that only because we sing it all day long and it sort of lifts our spirits. Even papa sings the last line often…which is, “Kitty witty witty witty woo.”



Is there anyone out there who can take in another friend?  Please look at this website, and thank you.