Posted by on Sep 21, 2014 | 2 comments


Well, anthros have dropboxes and kitties have litter boxes and in mama and papa’s world right now, there isn’t too much difference, if you get my drift.

Papa is trying to send some docs from his IPad to mama’s IPad and neither one of them can figures out how to do it. I just know, deep down in my kitty brain, that it’s easy as eskimo pie, but why isn’t this easy for THEM?

They both have dropboxes and accounts and nothing seems to work.

Are there any gurus out there who know how to deal with this thing? The trouble with technology, it seems to me, is that when you DO figure out how something works, it then looks so easy and so obvious that you feel like a real noo-noo and wonder where you left your brain during all that wasted time you were trying to figure out the simple answer!

Ah, well, they haven’t asked ME yet, so I’m just going to bide my time and watch all the hullabaloo and confusion and hair-tearing and when someone finally sends them an answer to this supposedly easy-to-solve question or they figure it out themselves, I’ll just say, “Well, you should have asked ME, you two dumb-dumbs and I would have TOLD you what to do. But you didn’t ASK.”

Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to go over very well…

I’m outta here…
