Posted by on Dec 24, 2019 | 15 comments











Well, I know by now you have seen my card about a gazillion times so maybe next year I’ll  try to time it better, and not send it at what seems like just after Turkey Day!

Christmas Eve is the vigilia here…you’ll know everything about it from this site!

For us this year, it is margaritas and Tombola, the Italian bingo that mama and family all love because of the silly prizes if one wins.  So competitive, these anthros!

Also the margaritas help start off the evening, haha. Whatever they are.

Sweet friends are still sending in Santa pics and this one is a doozy, too, from Mya’s maman.  Merci!

Santa skiing into a small town near Nice.







Well, we wish you a sweet evening and joyful day tomorrow.  I have to go help mama make salmon canapés, whatever they are, but the salmon part is familiar…drool.

Don’t forget to hang up your socks!
