Man, that was one scraggly oiseau!
I love to write for mama. Often she is just too emotional to write a letter herself and so I put her thoughts into my blog and hope they land in the right hearts. For several days, she has received mail from a very old friend whom she never sees because of distances that cannot always be crossed, but I know when she talks to me about this friend that she loves her with a special part of her heart just for that amazing person.
But isn’t that true of many friendships? Each friend has a little piece of a heart that keeps the beat of the friendship going no matter what. Another of mama’s friends just wrote that when she uses the salad servers that mama gave her years ago, she thinks of mama and enjoys a little moment of their past friendship, just as if mama were there in the same city and they could chat on the phone (or share a salad!).
Which, of course, they can do even whilst being continents apart. But what would we do, we corresponding kitties, without emails? How spoiled we have become just popping our thoughts around the world in split seconds when in the past, mama reminds me, one would have had to sharpen the quill (poor birdie), dip in the ink (after having ground the ink stone and mixed it with water) and compose carefully so as not to waste precious hand-made paper, and then the recipients would have to wait for the messengers or the pony express or the steam trains to deliver the missive several months later. Whoa…
By then, I know all of my thoughts might have changed and moved around and I might not even be writing from the same kitty point of view that I used in the original message!
But one thing is sure, be it written with quill or paw, the love behind the friendships does not falter, and changing thoughts or opinions or views rarely change deep affection for people one loves. Make that kitties one has loved or does love, since I can think of several felines out there that I love very much, even though I’ve not met them. Mungo, for one…
But that’s another story.
Thank you, Internet, Cloud, Steve Jobs, Google gurus, winsome WordPress, Adobe Photoshop Elements, and all the others who contributed to my ditching my quill! I was never good at sharpening those things, much less catchingt the BIRD.
So many things can be shared nowadays with email magic and emails mean so much to so many and maybe it doesn’t even matter what you say.
As Mr. MacLeish suggests in “Ars Poetica“, an email should not mean, but BE.
I always do yoga before writing…