Posted by on Oct 13, 2019 | 15 comments







Mama, are  you coming up here or WHAT?

Well, mama is always wondering lately why I have breakfast, wander around a bit outside (he understands who understands) and then start talking a blue streak as I head for the upstairs.  Myow, myow, myow…………..

What is Loulou saying, she asks papa, and he says, Oh she just wants to tell us where she’s going.  But mama found out my motives when she followed me this morning and I took a sharp right into her STUDIO!  Where she has not  been too active lately, if I may tell tails…er…tales.

“MAMA,” I sat immobile with a determined look at mama in the studio and continued, “WHY AREN’T YOU PAINTING AND DRAWING?  Oh, and don’t forget, mama – you’re behind on two illustrations for your doctor friend’s blog.  Where are THEY?”

Well, the truth is, mama had forgotten about the two drawings and of course she praised me to the skies after I had led her to her light board and pen!

(I have been doing this for a WEEK and mama just now got it, duh.)

“Loulou,” mama said lovingly, “you got me off the dime and  THANK YOU.”

Whatever “off the dime” means.

Mama, or even I, would have a lot of trouble staying comfortably on a DIME!








Loulou, you are a great art director!