No, no gloves, just bare paws of steel!
You know, I am basically a pacific kitty, good-natured, loving my fellow papa, mama and others, but every now and then I feel I should be prepared for, say, Rottweilers, or giant seagulls or a crazed rogue chicken, any creature that comes at me with malice thought about ahead of time, so I’m training in self-defense today.
You just never know…
So I got this Kat-rati course online and these are the moves – I am ready for anything, believe you me!
First a POW to the whatever it is.
Then another WHAP to the ears! And it that doesn’t subdue whatever it is…
A kat-rati kick to the somewhere on whatever it is!
One has to be prepared and why?
Who nose?
We wouldn’t want to tangle with you, Loulou. 😉
I coulda been a contender!
Wow, Loulou, I wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of you. You know your stuff. 🙂
Hey, it’s all smoke and mirrors, haha.
Loulou, I nose what you mean! I am a pacificist also – except when there are big dogs who menace and rottweilers are scary! But none are scary than the crazed little yorkie in the building next door!! She is a terrorist! I think she is jealous of my voluptuous curves. I haven’t met a crazed rogue chicken – but will be on the lookout!!! We have to stick together!!!
Well, at least you are a DOG. I mean, have you ever heard of a WatchCAT?
Great advice, LouLou ! Max, the Psycho Kitty, writes an advice column where he often advises a kitty to sit on their tormentor.
Just a thought.
Uh, oh, better warn papa. He hasn’t rubbed me yet today…
Yes, ya gotta protect that nice, pretty nose!
Well, it’s all I’ve got to sniff with…