Posted by on May 12, 2015 | 7 comments


(Thank you, Inquisitr)

Well, this one is right down our alley.  Female commandos fighting the Taliban in Pakistan!

What a brilliant turn of the tables and these women are treated well and with respect.  It’s unfortunate that instead of training to be killers they are not instead in university training to be doctors and lawyers and anything else they choose, but if this is the way to oust the Taliban, hurrah for these brave women!


Mama and I are incredibly impressed by this program, and we hope it carries over to other areas controlled by the hated and feared Taliban.

These women must also be very tired of seeing families and friends terrorized by the Taliban and consequently will have great motivation for ridding their villages of these bullies. It will be interesting to watch how this new approach affects the areas to which these brave women are assigned.

The scorn and mistreatment of women by the Taliban has been evident throughout their takeovers of sections of Pakistan.

But just remember: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


Mama, I want to go over there and train, too.  I’m practicing on my mice!