Well, I came down from the clouds to have a Christmas roll in the garden. That was my present to myself but I know mama and papa felt it, too.
Mama’s fill-ins:
1. Just being with my honey and a nice little fire and opening a few little prezzies__was the highlight of my Christmas ( or Hanukkah).
2. I ate too much __Joel Robuchon mashed potatoes (!) on Christmas ( or Hanukkah). I finally made them for the first time and OH, the butter…………
My turn:
3. Even though Christmas Day has passed, I__am still around checking out the rose pruning that mama does at this time of year, making sure she does it right!
4. I’d still like to __visit all of you kitties wherever you live__ before this year is over. And you never know……
If it has enough butter, you know it will be good…
Oui, better with butter for sure.
Sweet post! So nice of you to visit your mama and papa.
Well, I do have to touch bases every now and then to lift their spirits at the end of the year.
Angel Loulou, you have a terrific tummy!
I ate too much popcorn before dinner, but still ate all of my dinner!
YOU ATE POPCORN? I wish I had know that popcorn existed when I was experimenting with food! WOW, who knew?
You sure enjoyed your roll, Loulou.
Yep, oui, I was on a roll….
You’re welcome to visit us ANY TIME !!!
Hugs, Pam and Teddy
Well, I just might do that as one of my resolutions….I travel easily, Mr Ted.
You can visit here anytime Miss Loulou, and we’ll give that beautiful belly-up a gentle rub if’n you’d like …
If’n I like? You can bet your booties I like! I don’t need a guest room….
That is a very sweet photo of you enjoying a roll. I looked up Joel Robuchon mashed potatoes and they sound delicious, but so much butter!
Oui…mama cut the butter and they were still really good and mama doesn’t cook with much butter, mainly olive oil. But 1 stick will make good taters for four.
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers from both of you. The potatoes sound really good. XO
Muy rico as a friend used to say Very rich! And they were but about once a year ….
Those were really good answers!
Brian’s Home
Merci Mr T. But mama has to admit that some days she has to really think about fill-ins.
Bet that sun-warmed crunchy gravel felt good on your back LouLou !
It did, it did.sometimes one needs earthly sensations.