Posted by on Apr 6, 2017 | 14 comments


Let’s hear it for all the finalists in the Blogpaws contests!!! And I have, I hope, made friends with a little Therapy Rat.  Can you believe it.  He is so, so cute, this Oliver, from Healing Whiskers!  And the reality is that as a kitty, I really have to be open to OTHERS (read: rats, dogs, falcons, all of those supposed enemies of US) and I just loved the name.  I mean, we kitties are healing whiskers ourselves, no?  Just look at Dezi and Raena Belle and all those other amazing kitties who offer the biggest reason to get up in the morning, right?

Not to mention the intellectually superior animals such as The Great Swampi, Ernie, Wally, and please forgive me if I do not mention every wonderful kitty who has left me messages but I WILL do that over the next blogs if I can just get my act together.

For some reason, like the old song (that I don’t know but mama does, ancient as she is), spring can really hang you up the most!

You’re supposed to be listless (see photo), have no appetite (oh, yeah, right!), and you brain seems to take off on its own to nether lands and nether thoughts and one’s sleep habits are sorely disturbed.


One also tends to stare off into space without purpose.

I don’t know about this spring stuff, but if you have any suggestions as to how to get sane again, pass them on.


I’m listening.  I think…