Posted by on Aug 30, 2024 | 20 comments

Keeping an eye on mama’s tomatoes!

1. The summer is just about over and I have yet to ___help mama’s tomatoes to ripen. But she planted too late for summer fruits.
2. The highlight of my summer was __lying around in this incredible weather and fertilizing the garden for mama.
3. Mama says that Paola in Donna Leon’s novels__ is a fictional character I she really relates to. Loves to cook and is a bit saucy at times, haha. Now mama will take over:
4. My interest in __gardening began when __I visited my grandfather’s small farm as a child. We ate the most amazing vegetables and fruits and he churned sweet butter from heavy cream and made cottage cheese and my grandmother made lovely dishes from their produce.

Over half a kilo tomato from our guru next door…