Putting your paws up they say is good for circulation…uh…make that r and r. Not moving around much at all in this weather..
1. Wouldn’t it be nice if __humans could get along with one another without greed and war and cruelty and selfishness and…don’t get me started.
2. I don’t mind buying used __ANYTHING (says mama) as long as it’s usable and works well and with cloths or scarves or bracelets, some of my best things are from thrift shops or used items designer shops.
3. I have a strange habit of __sleeping flat on my back with my feet propped up on something, even mama.
4. I have enough __love and cuddling and attention and snuggles and tummy rubs to last a lifetime.

Let’s just call it recycling when purchasing anything from resale, amIright Loulou?
OUI, mama LOVES to recycle and trades things with friends sometimes, too. Papa joked about a tag sale mama used to run years ago at which everyone in the neighborhood brought things to sell to lighten up and then just boughts others’things and ended up with the same amount of stuff as before, haha.
The mom says she wants to do more thrifting this year. You can find some amazing things that way.
Treasure hunts, always.
Loulou you ALWAYS look comfy in your photos….that means you’re relaxed, comfy, ready for tummy rubs and compliments! Here’s one for you: You are adorable Loulou!!
Hugs, Pam and Teddy too
Awww…merci, Mr T. We would LOVE to rub your ginger tummy, too. Mama has a thing for tabbies because of her first kitty, Fiat. He was as large as you, Teddy, but an outoor kitty except at night.
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I want to snorgle that adorable tummy of yours. XO
Oh we LOVE snorggles! MERCI any tine.
And may it be a long lifetime for them to last LouLou ! Putting your feet up is generally considered to be a good thing too.
Merci, Ms Mary, we hope so too, believe you me!