Posted by on Mar 28, 2019 | 14 comments







(Papa’s trying to make up with me because they were LATE getting home tonight…)

Well, I expected mama to help me do my blog tonight, about the fact that it’s Love Your Kitty Day or something like that, but oh, no, no help from HER or papa, as they were out until very late eating little dishes of heaven knows what and sipping various vinos from around here.

In short, a gathering (called Les Toques Blanches du Roussillon) of chefs, each of whom made little tiny helpings of his or her (uh, oh, mama says there were no females–I’m going to hear about that one tomorrow for sure!) specialty, and then mama and papa and a gazillion other anthros tasted all or some of them and sipped some wines and then went home.  Actually I think mama and papa were the first to leave, haha. They beat it out of there before the grand exodus, whatever that is.

They are always so happy to come back to me (I know that’s the reason even if they say, Oh, Loulou, we were exhausted after our exercise class and there were too many anthros, so we came home asap), but the happy one here is guess who, ME, or I, as the case may be.  AND…guess who forgot to leave my DINNER OUT FOR ME!@%#&*!

The one who guesses correctly gets to rub my tummy, one day, maybe.